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Calamares Installer

Calamares is an installer customizable framework with the purpose to satisfy a wide variety of needs and use cases. Calamares aims to be easy and usable while remaining independent of any Linux distribution. For these reasons, it has been chosen as installation framework in Athena.

Calamares has been configured with several modules invoked inside /etc/calamares/settings.conf at the installation time.

Calamares has been adapted to Athena OS in order to detect automatically your hardware. It means that the installer is able to detect your environment (baremetal or virtualized), your CPU and your GPU. According to this information, all the needed drivers are automatically installed with no any actions by your side.

Specifically, it will automatically install:

  • Guest Additions / Tools for your virtualized environmment
  • Your CPU ucode package
  • Your GPU drivers

Calamares is run by interacting on Athena Welcome through Easy Installation (Offline) and Advanced Installation (Online) buttons. The former does not require an Internet connection but it installs all default elements in Athena; the latter requires an Internet connection but you can customize your final environment.

If you want to store installation logs in a file, run the installer by:

Terminal window
sudo calamares -D8 | sudo tee calamares.log

Anyway, Calamares always will store the installation logs in:



In the following, for each step is specified also the availability of the installer section for Easy Installation (Offline) and/or Advanced Installation (Online) install method.

Open Athena Welcome, then click on Easy Installation (Offline) or Advanced Installation (Online) button according to your preference.


Availability: Easy and Advanced Installation.

  1. Select the language System Language


Availability: Advanced Installation.

  1. Select your favourite kernel System Kernel


Availability: Advanced Installation.

  1. Select your favourite environment System Environment


Availability: Advanced Installation.

  1. Select your favourite theme System Theme

Login Manager

Availability: Advanced Installation.

  1. Select your favourite display manager for login System Login


Availability: Advanced Installation.

  1. Select your favourite shell System Shell


Availability: Advanced Installation.

  1. Select your favourite terminal System Terminal


Availability: Advanced Installation.

  1. Select your favourite browser System Browser


Availability: Advanced Installation.

  1. Select your favourite utilities System Utilities


Availability: Easy and Advanced Installation.

  1. Select your location and timezone System Location and Timezone


Availability: Easy and Advanced Installation.

  1. Select your keyboard layout System Keyboard


Availability: Easy and Advanced Installation.

  1. Set your user account System Keyboard


Availability: Easy and Advanced Installation.

  1. Select your partition according to the installation type you are going to. Check the Installation chapter related to your setup and follow there the partition scheme to implement:
  1. Review the Summary and run the installation.

    During the installation, you can click on Toggle log button for reading in real time the installation logs. In case the installation gets some issues, Calamares provides to you a link to where the logs are temporary saved in order to be accessed by the Athena OS team for troubleshooting.

  2. If no errors have been raised during the installation phase, you are ready to use Athena OS!

    Installation Finished