Getting Help
In case you need an help on several topics about Athena OS and its resources, there are different instruments to get support.
Before opening a ticket, we suggest to consult the documentation in order to make more efficient our work.
Athena OS website provides a useful online documentation that explains how to use the environment and its resources in a very effective manner. For any issues consult the documentation.
On the documentation website, you can use the Search bar for finding immediately the information you need.
For documentation related to tools installed in Athena, you can read the related documentation by accessing to /usr/share/doc/<toolname> directory.
Try also to give a look to the Troubleshooting document or among the opened or closed issue tickets to search for any solution in case it has been already reported by another user.
In case you are facing a persistent issue that could impact the most of the users, edit Troubleshooting page in order to insert any workaround that could help other users to deal with the issue.
Cannot still find an answer? Join our community and ask for help or information there. People we will assist you!
Report the issue
Try to reproduce the issue and use Internet for searching a solution or a step further to the goal. If needed, open an issue ticket and report all the information useful for fixing the problem.