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In Athena OS, you can select among several themed environments for all tastes. These themes set several elements of your environment. A theme can be set by:

athena-theme-tweak -t <theme-name>

Some themes have more wallpapers stored in /usr/share/backgrounds/athena.

The following sections show the look and feel of themed environments offered by Athena OS. GNOME is shown as sample environment.


Temple Wallpaper

This theme provides two additional wallpapers:

Temple Wallpaper Temple Wallpaper

Sweet Dark

Neon Circle Wallpaper Nix Neon Circle Wallpaper

Samurai Girl

Samurai Wallpaper

Hack The Box

Hack The Box Wallpaper Nix Hack The Box Wallpaper


Arch ASCII Wallpaper Nix Behind Wallpaper


Cyborg Wallpaper


Akame Wallpaper Red Moon Wallpaper